Sunday, March 20, 2022
I Present : Ronald Sigué, Elcie E, Marcelle P, Simone D, Chantale PT, Smith Sénatus, Yvon Cabrouet, Patrick Tertulien, Emmanuel Montas, Yvrose Jean, Fritz Gelin.
II Prayer to start the meeting:
III. Review of last meeting:
- Membership fees were received from 7 members.
- Quickbook has been set up by Fritz P. and Ronald so annual notices can be sent to donors for tax purposes.
- The fund-raising letter for Lascahobassiens was sent to specific members for feedback.
- A decision was made to continue using ODL’s current address until ODL has its own physical address, as organizations will not be sending donations to P.O. Boxes.
- Ronald received great historical facts about Lascahobas from Yvon
- Marcelle was able to obtain 6 names of celebrities for us to also send donation request letters to.
IV Issues discussed in today’s meetings:
- Many suggestions were made for modifications to the letter for the Lascahobassiens. Simone had already sent some modifications. Elcie will further modify and resend to the group. It was agreed that a creole version together with the English should be good enough.
- It was agreed the ‘gofundme’ effort should be separate and go out simultaneously with the letter. Yvrose agreed to write/lead the effort.
- Marcelle reminded the group that the annual membership fee ($100) is due by March 30th. Membership cards should be inserted in the letters that are going out. It was suggested that we should try to reach out to at least 60 people for membership dues, more specifically the other members that have not been attending the meetings.
- Marcelle will send out the names and addresses of Celebrities to Ronald so letters can be mailed out.
- Nadege brought up a small project idea she had made a while ago for us to build a monument/Belle Entrée’ at ‘Gro Roche’ to welcome visitors and tell them about the history of Lascahobas. She stressed the fact that it will not cost much and will be a great way for us to put ODL’s name out there and re-introduce ourselves to the natives of Lascahobas while working on the “bigger projects’ which may take years. Nadege is willing to help us in leading the effort and has many contacts in Lascahobas she can work with. She had already discussed this idea with John Honore who already create a plan. She will forward it to the board for review and approval.
- The meeting was adjourned, The next meeting will be on Sunday, April 3, 2022, at 7pm, Eastern.